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Visualizzazione post con etichetta excuckold.. threesome poli... the Others-gli altri. Mostra tutti i post

domenica 20 maggio 2012



Feeling Lucky.... 

It's early on a Saturday morning.

My d. and t. are still sleeping.  I was the early riser this morning, but I'll be heading back to bed here in a bit.

As I type this though - I realize just how lucky I truly am.  I have two wonderful girls that love Me so much - who care for Me on levels that I still can't comprehend - and who embrace their service to Me in ways I could only dream about.

I'm lucky.  Very lucky.

It hasn't come easy for all of us ... and there's still a pretty good amount of work to be done and a lot of patience needed, but the road we're on is a good one.  My fingers smile as I type this and the feelings inside just make Me feel wonderful.  :)

Just thought I'd share :)

Storie, vite, esperienze

Traspare... nei rari post, un BDSM un po' "buddhista", o un po' "mistico"-spirituale... diciamo "niù-Age, o politicallycorrect "...  non del peggiore. Senza essere il... migliore. (non c'è "migliore" possibile in quel giardino culturale. Diciamo... civile. ecco, non migliore.
Il che, visti i tempi, e i luoghi, non è poco. Anche se siamo a sandwich e patatine, il che a noi (anche solo immaginarlo) fa francamente -e semplicemente- orrore. L'odore. ma non siamo americani.
non andiamo a fare sciopping, e non ci fiondiamo davanti al televisore.
Siamo in laguna noi, e scusateci se vi sembra poco. E quindi siamo molto viziati.
I luoghi fra l'osteria da Tassotti e quella alla Rampa, a Castello.. sono pieni di magia. Magici.. ancora.
Se pensiamo alle pianure del Tennessee. E quindi non c'è storia nel paragone.
E quindi niente da ammirare, da adorare.
Però delle sfumature -dei tagli - sì, da cogliere, da percepire. Vite nelle pianure americane, appunto esperienze. Romanzi, xxx. Pro-promo-porno. ecc, così.
storie, vite, esperienze appunto. niente di più. Con di sicuro delle qualità. E anche di più.. a noi che non ne abbiamo neppur una.

Qui tutto gronda un amore universale, che va dichiarato a chiare lettere possibilmente (almeno) ogni venti minuti.
Va detto prima e dopo dei pasti principali, come pastiglie di miglio, o giaculatorie apotropaiche.

Gli americani hanno bisogno di essere amati. O quantomeno di dirselo (ed anche con una certa frequenza...). D'altronde con quello che fanno in giro per il mondo... non vedo come potrebbero non averlo.
E anche di amare. Cioè.... di dirlo, certificarlo e confermarlo con parole. A volte, o alcuni, o in alcuni casi, anche con i bimbi iracheni. Hanno dei traumi negli usa, ma proprio nazionali. E ne producono di peggiori. Agli altri.
Tutto... per "amore". (Va a capire poi di cosa. e farebbe paura dirlo). Pensare a sè, mai.
Meglio amare gli altri. Magari a colpi di bombe al nitrogeno. Per amore dell'umanità. E per "il bene" dell'umanità. Bah. ma sono fatti così. Un po' (un po'?) bambinoni. "Ci amiamo?" "Sì, ci amiamo."

"Che bello!" -come direbbe qualcuno.
"siamo soddisfatti noi? Sì, siamo soddisfatti" (in Pulp Fiction.
Preferiamo Marcellus Wallace. )

Comunque storie, vite, esperienze.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

The week that went too fast

We hugged and kissed one last time.
It’s hard.
There’s a lump in My throat and a sadness in My heart.
Teacup’s time in the grand valley was drawing to a close.  She checked in and was making the long stair climb to the second tier of the airport.  The escalator was out and she opted to climb the stairs in lieu of taking the nearby elevator.  I walked several steps towards the exit before turning around … watching her as she continued her climb to the top of the second tier.  I knew she was going to turn around – and she did.  My arm raised as hers did too … I could feel her emotions swelling – now brimming over as we waved to one another.  My feet wanted to stay put or go make the climb with her … but I knew it was only going to prolong the feelings we all were having to face.  The inevitable passage of time was making three souls particularly sad.

I pivoted and started to make My way to the door – knowing that she was still watching Me depart the terminal.  Sighs begin to overwhelm My mind, My heart.  I reached the vehicle – held danae’s hand as we slowly pulled away.  No words really spoken as we all were emotionally upset that our time together was drawing to a close this trip.
She’ll be back – or we’ll make our way out to her.
Her time seemed short – but that was predictable given the fact that anytime in life we look forward to something … the amount of time that passes happens to accelerate instead of slow down.  It didn’t seem that long ago that we picked up teacup … danae had gone inside to see if she could use a hand.  When they both emerged from the terminal, smiles, hugs and kisses were a plenty.
We went to one of our favorite sandwich shops and spent some time shopping.  It was nice having her here and not just realizing the normal stuff – but living it.  Shopping for us at least, is a fun activity because we’re unplugged, we’re not entirely rushed, we spend time just going through and even having fun.  Making jokes, finding things that sound good, just spending time in a different way.  It was nice to share that aspect with the teacup.
Folks in the lifestyle tend to forget that the simple things in life can be just as rewarding as being bound, sexually frustrated or being flogged to high heaven.  Sometimes it’s just being able to enjoy each other’s company while the M/s foundation exists transparent to the rest of the world.
Both danae and teacup did a great job giving their insights into the trip in their respective blogs … and I encourage you to go over and read them.  For now, I’ll give you My random sprinkles of stuff …
- After shopping, we came home – got her acquainted with the other pussies in the house … and later on in the day we introduced her to some of the things we got for her.  She got to try a hood for the first time – a design that I love that we received from Winterfetish (will be doing a better review of the hood a bit later.)  She was brave and excited for the hood … and for her first trial run – she did wonderfully well.  I was so proud of her.
- Danae spoiled all of us with her incredible meals and having a very well kept house.  She busted tail and while it also doubled as her annual spring cleaning mode, the house really looks great.
- We took turns sleeping with teacup.  While that’s a sound principle – it also created a couple of problems along the way.  Problems are bound to be inevitable in most dynamics.  So in a way, it was good for teacup to see the “not so good” moments in balance to how things normally are around here.  We have always been about keeping things real around here and that especially means those times when things aren’t perfect.  But we all talked it through and the rough spots were better as time wore on.
- We dealt with other realities like tax season and such.  It probably makes for an odd visit, but I found it almost liberating for teacup to know how things are.  We’re not rich by any stretch of the imagination and that weighs on us a bit … but we make do with what we have and we’re thankful for that.
- Teacup and I share quite a few likes and passions … football and photography for starters.  So I wasn’t entirely surprised that she shot over 1k images during her time with us.  I smiled several times as I watched teacup maneuver her shot … looking at various angles and deciding what features she liked most.  I could relate … as I’ve done the exact same thing as danae can attest.
- In the midst of all the work and other stuff though we found some time to show off our pretty state and to enjoy some really good quality time together.  We traveled to some special spots that danae and I personally enjoy.  There’s no way for us to pack it all in though.
- One of the highlights though was when I was on My way home from a meeting I was tending to.  I walked in the house to find both girls primped up, collared, cuffed, leashed, naked except for thigh high hose.  Twinkies.  *smiles big*  I was in heaven and enjoyed the time with them.
- The sadism … the scenes involving toys, trinkets, and other gadgets.  There was a joy of being able to fulfill one of teacup’s fantasies about being bound spread-eagled, helpless, enduring My sadistic tendencies.  I must say that she is a bit of a masochist.  I haven’t come across a giggling masochist before – but the energy it gave off was wonderful.
- Teacup's beauty abounds.  Having two wonderfully attractive, beautiful, passionate, loving slaves is the fodder for any dominant.  But I am so lucky and blessed to have such beauty around Me, whether it's danae's beautiful smile and incredible body ... or teacup's curves and supple lips.  They complement each other in ways that don't make it competing (if that makes sense.)  Teacup did arrange to have a rather slutty dress sent to the house ... and dare I say she looked absolutely HAWT in it ... her blue eyes matching the very tight blue fabric that wrapped around her curves.  Yes - I know the deep seeded messages ... yes, I know the internal mechanisms that bbws go through when seeing themselves in such things ... but I loved it - as I have loved danae in her own hawtie outfits.  I am so fortunate to have such beauty even interested with the likes of Me ... who are so incredibly beautiful themselves.

- Unfortunately with My work schedule and subsequent changes to some projects I was working on, the availability was incredibly limited.  I'm sad that we weren't able to meet up with our friends down south when teacup was around, but there were a lot of things that we didn't manage to get to either.  In all the schedule I had didn’t allow for the plans we wanted to do.  While it would've been incredibly easy to just keep doing daytrips, we built in days where we would just do local things - so that we could maximize the time we had left.  191 hours may seem like a lot, but we'll be the first to tell you that it goes by incredibly quickly.

The balance was good.
I realize I’m the last one to write about My experiences, thoughts and feelings, but I’m amazed that all three of us looked at the situation just a little bit different than each other.  To Me – that’s incredible synergy working when it’s clicking as well as it clicks … then it just feels so right.  It was wonderful!
From the trips up in our backyard and to the falls, to the time spent just sitting on the bed talking, or watching movies in the living room together … we were bonding in ways that just resonated.  Any dream or hope or concept of what poly would be like … exceeded in the times when we were just chatting together.  The chemistry kept building as time went on.
But before her trip out here, I had several conversations with danae about teacup being the one for us.  I’m continually amazed just how much she resonates with us and how the pieces came together so well.  It’s not to say that things are perfect – nothing is perfect and I know all of us subscribe to that notion that there are going to be good days with bad … but when we all believe in the foundation at our core – incredible things are bound to happen.  Both danae and I discussed the future and how we felt about teacup being part of that future.

After the first afternoon adventure across the “backyard,” we ventured to a local tack shop – one that had been frequented before … for an intended purpose.  A silver pet chain was purchased … and teacup’s eyes grew as wide as her smile … knowing what was about to come.
A couple of days passed … My schedule created some complications, but it also allowed her to think through the entire collaring mindset and how it will define her.
Thus on April 18th I took possession of teacup just as I had done with danae 9 years ago, but I did give teacup one last chance – to be sure this is what she wanted.
It was.
…and it was late in the afternoon on this day that we have found an incredible person to be part of the family.  She proudly bore the chain and lock as her neck and her soul grew accustomed to its weight and meaning.  She was so happy to have found what she didn’t think was possible.  Her own Path has been comprised of difficulties as well.
In the end – it took three souls an incredible amount of time to find one another and to believe that the Path that ultimately led us to one another … was the right one to take together – as a family.  We couldn’t be happier and even though the future plans may be very slow to evolve to our liking, there is the reality that our poly search is finally concluded.
Although time slipped away too quickly a greater Path awaits us.
The wave and tears in the terminal weren’t saying goodbye … but knowing that our loved one was departing until the karmic powers align our universes in the same Path again.  Our love glows as bright as the sun.  We miss our teacup, but we look forward to the next trip when those universes get closer to our ultimate goal of being a family together.
We love our teacup … and can’t wait to see her again.

Sunday, January 01, 2012

Meeting The Teacup 

Sometimes you just have to trust in the stars and navigational currents to make things happen. If anyone would've asked us on Thanksgiving if we were going to get a chance to meet the teacup - we both would've said: "sometime next year we all hope."

The amazing thing is that when all the pieces fell into place ... they fell into place remarkably well considering the incredibly long line of things that needed to happen to make the visit possible. The scheduling, the time spent in Minnesota, the return trip, work, finances, the weather .... the universe took care of things. Even as I type this - I'm a bit in awe about how well the universe brought things together.

As we pulled into Des Moines on that incredibly blustery day ... our nerves were reaching the edge of our senses. We met up at the hotel parking lot as that was a nice central meeting place. I parked next to her vehicle and we all got out of our cars. Big smiles abound as our eyes lit up ... finally nice to meet after spending the last few months chit chatting online. Hugs were met as we all didn't know what to say initially. The clumsiness of first introductions - but there was a calmness, a familiarity, a sense of belonging.

We drove down to a restaurant that we all spotted driving to the hotel. We sat and ordered lunch ... only to proceed to talk about our various Christmas experiences and general light conversation about this, that and other. Lunch was good, the conversation was comfortable and we decided to go check-in. After spending several minutes fully unloading our car (which is no small feat mind you), we sat and talked about a myriad of different things. We talked freely, we talked openly, we covered a wide range of topics from poly, to bisexuality, to general deep adult conversations.

We exchanged Christmas gifts ... the home baked cookies ... chocolates ... rum! The conversations were more relaxed, but focused. Laughter, good times ensued mixed in with deep topics.

The sun went down ... we ordered take out (yay for Godfather's!) ... we then decided to move into the bedroom suite and get comfortable... from there - let's just say the teacup was ravaged by the dish and Spoon. We ganged up on her, rendering her defenseless (okay - she pretty willfully decided to be defenseless in the first place) as we laid down on each side of her. With her wrists bound in Velcro cuffs - they were tied together brought above her head. A blindfold was applied as she couldn't see what we were doing.

The synergy we shared was really incredible. The touching, the feeling, the kissing, the suckling, and the pinching. The teacup was motionless for the most part - moaning and accepting of our whims. The excitement building inside her ... as I touched her for the very first time ... a very wet slut indeed. The fun continued for most of the night and into the early hours of morning.

Even though there were points of the night where things didn't happen quite the way any of us wanted to ... there is a chemistry there. We have things to work on, we have things to correct and clear up ... but we have a Path. Where this Path takes us - we're letting the universe take us there on the course and timing that we're supposed to.

As the morning continued to unfurl, we showered and talked. The bumps we ran into still need paving and road grading work. The mood was a little somber. There was reality that our time together was drawing to a close more quickly than any of us wanted. We returned to the lunch-time restaurant ... returned to our various topics of discussion before watching the hands of the clock be unsympathetic to the fact we were going to have to leave.

Before we left - we decided to take pictures ... as we found a small neighborhood park ... we giggled ... we laughed ... we smiled and embraced. My love of photography met teacup's ... and I know there will be more shutterbugging happening in our future. After pictures were taken, a group hug ensued followed by "until later" kisses - as goodbye doesn't apply here.

We all came away with the meeting with positive feelings. Chemistry is there and building. Work is still to be done, but we're looking forward to the next phase of things. teacup will come visit us in 2012 and we will likely determine at that time just where we're heading. Adjustments and realities will be the order as we approach her upcoming visit. We have space issues, there's her dog and our girl cat's compatibility problem, there's her job, finances and other nuts and bolts problems that I believe are resolvable.

The underlying feeling though is that it feels great for us - and something we both are looking forward to developing further. The bond we forged in the heartland of Iowa will not be forgotten by any of us. It's a positive step forward that this poly Path may have actually brought someone to us that's compatible and positive.

Not a bad way to start 2012.... :)

domenica 22 aprile 2012


Accade nel mondo.

48 Hours Away

(la mia collega slave )


We are counting down hours now! We are 48 hours away from when teacup's airplane lands and we get to see her.  I am so beyond excited that I am literally bouncing in my chair as I type this.

I am not sure how much updating I will get done while she is here but maybe some. I just know that both Master and I are thrilled we get to have her here with us. We have lots of fun things planned - vanilla and kinky! yay!

In precedenza non era così felice. Cosa significa essere slave,!  Essere dediti al Padrone, alla Padrona.
Dipendere da lui, realmente. totalmente. Dipendere dalle Sue voglie, dai Suoi Piaceri. Essere schaivo di questi. (come di Lui).
Essere schiavo delle (della) Sue Volontà. 
Essergli-Le schiavo: appartenere... a un Dominante. La propria volontà non ha peso, non ha valore. Le paure.. passano in secondo piano. Per dargli Tutto il piacere (tutti), che vuole. Per servire ogni Suo piacere. Ed essere dominato, punito. Educato.
Al Piacere del PADRONE, della PADRONA.

3 aprile.

Day to Day

So thought I would do a little life update as I hadn't done one in a while...

Master and I were all prepared to be traveling across country for his work. It would have given me a chance to see my friends in Ohio - just for a night but at least one evening with them would have been amazing. It also was going to give us a chance to stop off and see teacup too before heading home.  Just a day or two before we were going to leave it got called off. We thought it was going to be reschedule and is pretty much been call off for good.  It really is disappointing for us. Seeing my friends in Ohio would have been so great. I miss them more then I think I let myself realize. It wasn't until I wrote them to say I might be coming that I really let those flood gates open. The thought of sitting and talking with Moni, Angel and everyone else just make me feel so good.  Not to mention it would have meant more time with teacup - because although she is visiting soon we don't live near each other so anytime with her is so good.  So disappointment all around.  

As teacup kept saying everything happens for a reason - well as it does turn out Master started feeling really bad about 2 days before we would have left and he ended up with the most nasty flu/cold which he then passed on to me. I don't think I have ever been so sick. I am still recovering actually.  But there for a while the body aches, fever and headache were really doing a number on me.  So it would have been horrible to be this sick on the road so I guess that is the reason why we didn't go. 

Because I have been so sick that I have gotten off the schedule of things I wanted to get done before teacup visits so the next couple weeks for me will be busy busy. 

kaya wrote a great entry on her blog about  having a threesome with her Master and poly...goes into the great sex and also the feeling around just having someone else in his/their life.  It says so many things that I totally related to and understood from both sides actually from being in her position she is in now  to being the other woman and how that position relates to the couple.  So...taking a little piece from Kaya’s recent writing about her threesome with her Master....

"I am not immune to the normal fears. Of course I worry about being replaced. I worry that she’s better (easier?) than I am. I wonder why I’m not enough. I worry that he’ll prefer to spend time with her over me because she’s new and shiny and she hasn’t had 8 years of picking up dirty socks to curb her enthusiasm."

I have said something similar over and over. I am the old shoe. And she is the new shoe.* She is shiny and bright and you want to wear her all the time. I am the old shoe that has been cleaning his toilets and picking up his dirty underwear for the last 9 years so being in the relationship day in and day out does make some of the shiny go away.  (*This is the generic version of she and not referring just to teacup)  I am not saying we don't have fun and we have moments of shiny but our moments have moments of mundane day to day life in it. And often with shiny the new relationship energy is there and making everything bright even the mundane.

In my past poly relationships and past relationship with my ex-husband, I never felt replacable.  So this is something that happened with Master. I always have chalked it up to - my relationship with him is different then it has been with anyone else. Really that comes into it very strongly.  Because with him everything changed on how I function within a relationship.  

The other night Master and I stayed up all night having a discussion turned argument turned discussion about something that actually in the end revealed a key point of my internal dialog - why I have these particular little tapes that play that tell me I am replaceable. I have a fear of being replaced by teacup and all the logical and rational thought I throw it - doesn't really calm those feelings down much. These feelings really didn't come out strong until her but I remember when we started this path I did have the nagging feelings inside that said that I could be replaced. Now I figured out the underlying reasons for some of the feelings a while back but it was really the other night that Master and I figured out the bottom line where it all steams from. It isn't pretty.  It isn't something I am going to discuss here so sorry for eluding to it but not saying it but just the way it goes....the reason I am talking about it because I had fears that after we told teacup about it that she wouldn't want to be with us.  She of course handled with grace and understanding that she always seems to have in abundance....she accepted it and was very supportive in doing anything she can to help me get through this.  I am very thankful we found someone who is such an amazing person inside and out. So kind and caring - I love and adore her. I can't wait until she is here. 

e poi.


So doing a follow-up on the question about in our relationship because a good friend of mine who is poly brought up something that falls in the hierarchy topic. Really I was answering  the question from an M/s point of view.  In our M/s relationship - I won't be owning her or over her. I won't be ordering her or in charge of her. Teacup and I will be equals.

Unfortunately in our everyday life around vanilla people there is a hierarchy that happens because we can't be out to most people.  So Master's work associates will always view me as his partner/significant others. My parents and Master's will view us as couple and not teacup.  

Recently we were on the phone with teacup and were going to drop something off at one of Master's clients and the client ended up being in her driveway so we couldn't even say goodbye properly to teacup because it caught us of guard as it happened so fast. But it felt very awkward for all of us.  We didn't handle it very well in explaining it either when we called teacup back after leaving the clients.  

There is also a hierarchy that happens because I have been here longer - it just feels off balanced at times. At least I experienced that when I lived in the poly household in Ohio.  I just think it happens and there isn't much I can do about being here long except try to allow her to experience things for herself. That was really hard at times for me to not help or offer advice when I saw someone struggling in the poly household. Where they were maybe struggling with how to just accept an order or such - I wanted to step in and offer advice but sometimes those things - you need to just experience for yourself and put that time into the relationship getting to know Him and what to do...just as I did. 

So there is a hierarchy, but not in the sense where I will be in charge of her or have authority of her.  I might top her at some point. I do have a sadistic streak.  And she is a little masochist! :)