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Visualizzazione post con etichetta Estetica -e Fetish§Figure. Mostra tutti i post

mercoledì 17 aprile 2013


per feticisti delle scarpe.

cioè... biografie veneziane .


veneziane e foreste

Le vezzosette piante
scalze e senza coturno
toccando la vicina umida sponda
si lavavan nell'onda
il mar con mormoranti baci
a lambirle il bel piè  stendea la lingua...

GIOVAN BATTISTA MARINO (1569-1625)  - Arianna-

-stessa serie d'acquisti.

il vecchio Segalin abita in rio marin, nella calle dell'hotel basilea. e la Marina Actv è stata una sua allieva.

mercoledì 13 marzo 2013


Oh, poter essere sempre ai piedi della Signora.
PoterLa guardare

e soprattutto...
come guarda..
e soprattutto COME E' GUARDATO

UNO SCHIAVO, UN CANE: sotto lo stesso sguardo, di UNA PADRONA FELICE.
E uguale lo sguardo da sotto, riconoscente e grato.. per essere accettato.
Per essere TENUTO

Non possono essere alla stessa altezza gli sguardi (e forse neanche le stoviglie..) fra schiavi e Padroni.
La Padrona...
Deve essere guardata, pensata come una regina, temuta come una tiranna o despota (la contessa
lo schiavo, da lei guardato (e trattato ) come un cane.

Perchè assuma la sottomissione dovuta.

( il commento... era che forse la Padrona dovrebbe avere la fortuna.. di poter condividere i pasti.. con dei commensali adatti,
alla Sua ALTEZZA .

lunedì 2 luglio 2012

Stambecchi, sfondo

Tre giorni sul Triglav, sui sentieri..

delle Alpi Giulie. Stambecchi sullo sfondo. Contro il cielo. (qui  a destra.)
con la Padrona naturalmente.

 sullo sfondo, la cuspide del Mangart..

 Sotto, sul Montasio. guardando il fondovalle, mille metri sotto.
 Sotto ancora...


domenica 17 giugno 2012

Domenica pomeriggio

Lo schiavo oggi lava piatti, fa il bucato, riassetta la cucina e pulisce la camera della Signora, batte tappeti, spazza per terra. E' domenica e quindi può badare alle piante, stendere e ritirare la roba lavata, metter a posto la dispensa e fare la spesa al supermercato.
Tirare fuori le cose per l'amica sarta, prenotare la cena nella trattoria che Madame ha deciso.
Poi, farLe da autista e accompagnatore fino lì, in collina.
Potrebbe, dovrebbe, fare un sacco di altre cose, ma sono già le tre del pomeriggio e non  è che abbia tante ore.

Madame... si allena col bondage.. dice.

e quindi, per allinearsi con madame, per servire Madame niente foto di stoviglie, armadi ricolmi, potature di piante. Ma un'altra passione, da COLTIVARE.

questa sembra abbastanza pulita, decente, e crudele (per il Piacere)...
notiamo i testicoli legati, tesi. Non è solo estetica... edonismo puro
E' il piacere che piace a Madame
Sadismo. E non solo immagini estreme, di una bellezza raffinata. Entrambi. Sennò è solo Bondage, e non BDSM. Che interessa relativamente: la Padrona che non ha occhi a mandorla.
Anche le canne legate legano. Obbligano, costringono. Impongono, bloccano, stringono. Il che è tutto un piacere. Ovvero... la premessa e promessa... di un PIacere. DEL... PIACERE.

Con devozione, Suo.

sabato 16 giugno 2012

Nuovi piaceri per Madame

Le  "verghe d'avellano.".


Gabriele D'AnnunzioAlcyone (1903)
Sogni di terre lontane

Settembre, andiamo. E' tempo di migrare.
Ora in terra d'Abruzzi i miei pastori
lascian gli stazzi e vanno verso il mare:
scendono all'Adriatico selvaggio
che verde è come i pascoli dei monti.

Han bevuto profondamente ai fonti
alpestri, che sapor d'acqua natía
rimanga ne' cuori esuli a conforto,
che lungo illuda la lor sete in via.
Rinnovato hanno verga d'avellano.

E vanno pel tratturo antico al piano,
quasi per un erbal fiume silente,
su le vestigia degli antichi padri.
O voce di colui che primamente
conosce il tremolar della marina!


Eleonora Duse

Moda... del 1903

(moda.. in russia. come si vedeva in russia, come arrivava in Russia )

mercoledì 30 maggio 2012






Burnt Out

The other night I was chatting with teacup and she said she was reading the older parts of my archive from 2000 and 2001.  I told her that was my neurotic period and I’m not really joking.  It really was a very chaotic time in my life.

One of the on-going things on my “to-do” list is to go back into my journal and tag things so that they show up under the labels.  As I was tagging entries, I came across a time in my life when I was questioning if I could be a slave or if I was even submissive.  I constantly debated the issue all around my head.  At one point a good friend told me that I wasn't a slave.  At another point in my life I was interested in someone who told me that everyone around me knew I was submissive and didn't understand why I was even questioning it.

The thing is: I knew I was submissive.  The feelings I was having weren't because I was questioning if I was or wasn't a submissive.  It wasn't knowing or not knowing if I could be a slave.  In retrospect, I can see that my internal struggle was not a question of my identity, but a cause from burnout.  I served Kam for several years and right from the start it was heavy service oriented slavery. I got up early in the morning - I did things all day for him and his household.  It was a regular practice to be woken up in the middle of the night to do things such as go get pickles at 1am or bake brownies at 3am. (Another entry I did on serving at that point in my life after reading Diary of an Old Guard Slave by Vi Johnson, -you see for this here below-.)  I became tired. Very tired. After I was released I slept for days, but it was hard to stop serving. I had to reverse train myself to not jump and anticipate.

So really I was questioning if I could submit and be a slave again because I wasn't sure how I could work past the burn out or if I even wanted too.

Many slaves will say they don't burn out. That is great if they don't, but then often I also tend hear in almost the same breath that those who do burn out aren't real slaves.  Another definition flame war erupts.  Who’s real, who isn’t.  Who’s more slave like, who isn’t.  (I really don’t want this to be another definition post.)

I disagree with those that say that if it was really in a person’s heart to serve, then they wouldn’t burn out.  I think real life demonstrates that you can have your heart in something and still experience burn out.  It doesn’t matter if it’s a passion for a hobby or the job you do.  Burnout is part of the human existence.

I serve Master 24 hours a day 7 days a week - face to face and it is hard work. That doesn't mean I don't enjoy it.  It doesn’t mean I lack the passion for it because it’s hard work, but one can achieve levels of burnout from over doing and giving it so much that it just wears one down.

Do I wish I had an off switch?  I had a March Question asking if I ever wanted a day off - I think this falls in that same line. I don't want a day off from being a slave. But I do get tired and I do need down time.  I don't always take the best care of myself to know when and what I should do to create a restful situation.  I feel always as I am his slave so not like I want to or can turn that off but I do need to have down time so that I don't burn out.

Bottom line for me is that I do get burnt out and sometimes I don't always give myself the type of rest I need to help it from happening.  Or helping myself get my energy back.  It is a constant struggle for me and I still haven't learned how to not burn out from serving.  It is part of my life - not he most favorite but it happens. Over all life is good but doesn't mean it doesn't come with bumps in the road.

Diary of an Old Guard Slave

When I read To love, To Obey, To Serve the first time I was very bitter about M/s. I thought there wasn't anyone out there that really did what they said. And in reading To Love, To Obey, To Serve...I became even more angry. I was angry because I read some of my life experiences into the book. And hear that Vi Johnson was saying this is how she served - this was being a slave - and I got mad*. I didn't want it to be -that- way. To put needs, sleep, and sanity aside for the Owner. Because in her diary she often does all of those things....she puts her slave "duties" above basic needs at time. (*of course Vi doesn't really say that was what being a slave was about...but she said that time period slaves did love, obey and serve often blindly and that is how I felt I served often too.)

I was angry reading the book because so much of it brought back things of when I was a slave in the poly household. There were never enough hours in the day for me to get it all done. I often didn't eat because I had to find a way to feed 6 people 3 meals a day on hardly any money so if I didn't eat then maybe I could make a little of dinner go for his lunch the next day. As time went on the household - things changed people came and left and came and left. Eventually there weren't as many to feed so I eat and ended up gaining weight. But also by this time was very burnt out and severe depression had set in. I thought of killing myself entered my mind often. I knew I wouldn't but the thought was there. So why not leave? Because I had this sense of duty that also I related to in Vi's book. That you serve above everything else - it was the duty of a slave. And I felt that. I felt I needed to do this thing that I set out to do. I said I would be his slave....and he claimed me as his so that was that for me. It was my duty to put serving him whatever ways necessary...and blindly often too.

I started out in the lifestyle as Don's slave - not knowing there were words for the feelings I had - for the dynamics we had - I just knew I was his...and I was to obey and please him. I then went to my husband where I was a wife and well I was taught that a wife pleases her husband. She didn't always have to agree with him, she could voice her opinion but what he wanted was the bottom line. While married I found there were words and a whole lifestyle dedicated to the power dynamics that I had been doing pretty much in every relationship. And so I went in basing things on how it had been for me always. And obeying and serving no matter if I was tired, no matter if I didn't agree, no matter if I was sick or had other things I wanted to do -- that didn't matter - my duty was to obey and serve. Period.

When I was introduced to the the world of D/s & BDSM it was from online and of course that was a whole different set of rules...SSC...safewords...saying no were all involved. And I felt very confused. I struggled against what was said online and what I had always done. And when I entered the poly household I struggled between the two. I did things that I wasn't always proud. And then I would get upset with myself and then serve until I was so tired that I physically and mentally crashed.

I never had to do the kind of work Vi did but I still related to it. Fairly early in the book she is suppose to get all these things in their house remodeled and built in an impossibly short time so her Mistress can throw a party. A party that started out for 50 and ended up being for 300. During the preparations her Mistress keeps piling things on. She doesn't notice that Vi is not sleeping or doesn't seem to care that Vi is doing cocaine to keep going. I never did drugs to keep going but I did have only a few hours of sleep at times just to get everything done. It wasn't uncommon for me to have just laid down after going all day long to be called out make a sandwich for him at 1am even though there were 2 or 3 other slaves sitting up watching TV or being online right there within yards of him. And yes that bothered me at times. But I still made the sandwich and served it to him - making sure his glass was full and that anything else he might need was right there for him before I went back to bed. And if I would have laid down and been called to serve in another 15 minutes (which did happen a few times), I got up and did whatever he wished. And most of the time I would say I could do it without being annoyed and letting that attitude slip through.

From the book: "I helped Jean do a scene with Shawn tonight at the Beverly Hill Wilshire. A well deserved dinner came after. I haven't done a scene with Jean in so long. I confess that I was bit envious. Ah well, that the breaks of slavery. Maybe my time will come soon, I could sure use some play."

In the poly household, I wasn't played with often, but the others were so I at times felt very envious. And at the same time I was happy he was getting pleasure.

Another entry Vi talks about how her and her Mistress met with another lifestyle couple. And Vi is looking forward to it because she is hoping to have another slave to talk to and give her advice about the struggles she has within her slavery. She meets the woman..."...our lifestyles are completely different. Georgette and her husband play once a week. She is chained at night and lives more in the style of a love slave....Georgette can't understand most of the things I do or why I would ever do them."

I got this a lot too. People not understanding why I was doing the things I did in service.

"I join a long list of things that belong to you and I find comfort being on that list. Stereo, car, house, jewelry, slave.....these things are all yours to amuse you, to be used by you, kept or discarded as you see fit or by your whim. I hope that I am not discarded."

I often found and also currently find comfort thinking of that too...that I am just property.

In rereading the book I am still feeling some old feelings of annoyance of Vi's owners. I relate to things she writes even in my present relationship with Master although Master is far from the dominants that Vi had....Master would notices when I am not sleeping or eating. I at times serve in such a way that my needs are put on the back-burner because to me life...includes sacrifices at times - in the lifestyle or vanilla. As I said though Master notices and makes sure that I do take care of myself in the end. Over all the feelings Vi gets from service - the devotion, the love...I relate to very much.

I am not done with the re-read of it...not even a 1/3 of the way through it yet but I was asked by a few people if it is a good book to read.

I do recommend this book. It is not a pretty look at slavery. You won't see a leather clad dominant beating his/her slave every moment of the day. You see, making arrangements for meetings, paying bills....working hard and serving hard in very mundane everyday way of life. But the emotions...the emotions of what she feels when she has served well....when she was scened after not having that pain in a while....and many other situations are very real emotions that I think almost every slave can relate to.


martedì 29 maggio 2012

Omaggio... alla Padrona. Pensando a ieri sera .

Proponendo... ieri sera. Ed Altro

Ed altro ancora...

Autorità, padronanza; forzare, imporre. mancato consenso consensuale

Control/Force/Consensual Non-Consent 
All these fall close together because of the same reasons...
I like that he is in control and makes me do things I don't want to do; I like that he uses or forces me when I am not in the mood. I like that he is in control of what I can and can't do, and can make me do something but really I am so twisted into being his that I will obey him even if I am crying all the way through it.