sabato 14 aprile 2012


In relazione al post di qualche giorno fa, lo schiavo ha studiato, si è adoperato, ha cercato.
Si è informato (ed avrebbe anche operato) ma... non ha saputo risolversi.
Non gli è riuscito cioè di decidere... quale cane sceglierebbe la Padrona.
E così, molto umilmente, chiede alla Stessa di dedicare un po' del Suo tempo allo studio delle alternative  (se non ne conosce di migliori) e indicare quale è lo Strumento per l'Educazione dello schiavo
che preferisce, al fine di farglielo recapitare.
A Sua disposizione per qualsiasi informazione sulla specifica questione.

1° possibile Fornitore

Rattan Canes: The Genuine Article

   When England pushed Holland out of Southeast Asia, they acquired a cheap substitute for Willow, Holly and other woods used for bentwood furniture, walking sticks ... and beating schoolboys. Rattan excels in this last application as it is flexible, tough and less dense (therefore less dangerous) than wood. Unlike bamboo (which is stiff and brittle) when rattan breaks, it is less likely to split or splinter -- so it does not cause unanticipated skin damage.
     You can order thicknesses from approximately 3/32" (3mm) to 3/8" (9mm). We recommend that 27" canes should not be thicker than 1/4" (5mm). More than that and they become "clubby" -- stiff and inflexible. Rattan canes 36" and over should be 5/16 to 3/8" thick. Less than that and they become too "whippy" -- floppy and hard to aim.

Severity: Although any cane, rattan included, can be used sensually, all rattan canes are ultimately severe. Longer canes hit harder than shorter ones. Thicker ones are more likely to leave bruises. Thinner ones, more likely to cut skin.

Modern Handle
Plain Cane




Modern Handle: a thick wrapping of nylon cord provides a relaxed and comfortable grip. Two diameters are used to create a “ribbed” appearance and a two tone color scheme.
Plain Cane: Keep a supply of prime canes on hand at a reasonable price and don't worry about breakage.
Schoolmaster: This is the crook-handled terror of the 19th Century classroom -- “Six of the Best Trousers Down”

2° Fornitore

Crook-Handled British School Canes:  

Shown, from left:  Traditional Birch Rod, Disciplinary Cane, Senior Cane, 
Singapore Punishment Cane, Junior/Office Cane, Nursery Cane

        Disciplinary Cane

3/8 inch thick, 36 inches long.
In olden days, these were used to discipline seriously errant, older schoolchildren. These really pack a wallop. For those new to canes, I recommend the shorter versions below... they will make it easier to learn accuracy in your strokes.

           Senior Cane
5/16 inch thick, 33 inches long.

A little more flexible (whippy) than the above cane. It is a little more stingy, but still retaining its ability to welt, bruise, & inflict a deep burning feeling.

       Straight Canes:
Simple, just as  highly effective as our other Canes4pain®, treated with linseed oil, sanded and undecorated. These still have the rattan's bark intact, so there may be marks and "character lines" on them. This will not affect their feel or longevity. They team up to make a nice set when combined with any other cane offered here. The sizes
of these match those of the School Canes above... they are great to complete a set. The descriptions for the Crook Handled canes applies to these also.
Straight Cane, 3/8"x36",   (10x36)
Straight Cane, 5/16" x 33",   (9x33)
Straight Cane, 5/16" x 30",   (9x30)
 Straight Cane, 1/4" x 28",   (7x28)
Straight Cane, 1/4" x 23",   (7x23)
**If you don't see your favorite size here, email me! I keep a LOT of rattan in stock, in all thicknesses from 1/8" up to one inch thick, and 10 feet long! Chances are, I have exactly what you want!
        Junior or Office Cane
5/16 inch thick, 30 inches long.
These were the most widely used in schools. They are of medium length & thickness, for a wide range of sensations. These go from nice, soft tapping, to leaving classic welts & bruises. This, & the shorter length below, are very easy to control, making them very good for people new to canes, or for those building a collection of classics. (This is my favorite size! They are easy to use, and have plenty of fire to them!)

          Nursery Cane
Sybil Hawthorn with our stinging Nursery Cane. Photo by ATP.
3/16 inch thick, 23 inches long.
The small size of this makes it excellent for OTK (Over The Knee) applications, or for those standing or bent over. It is very thin and whippy for lots of STING. It will not mark heavily. Most people's skin will not bruise from this size cane, but you may get some welts, and they pack a LOT of sting! They are whippy, yet easy to control, and will get the bottoms dancing around. The Tops will love them. They are also great for more delicate areas such as inner thighs, feet (bastinado), breasts, etc because they have a lot of sting, but won't really do any damage. 

3° Fornitore

Delrin canes

Hand braided leather handles and chrome loops give these canes a very classy look and feel whilst allowing the cane to flex throughout its entire length.
As with most of my synthetic canes you break it I'll replace it for free
(just send me the bits back).

6mm X 60cm, a nice whippy little cane with a good bite if used hard -

 8mm X 70cm, a good all round heavy cane with a bit more thud - 

 10mm X 80cm, loads of thud and weight, 'a beast of a cane' -

Standard 32" dragon canes

Hand picked polished and waxed dragon canes finished with a braided leather handle aprox 32" long 9-13mm thick 

(specify thickness when ordering).

Dragon cane is very durable and harder than standard kooboo making the canes quite hard hitters with a good lifespan.




Fine canes

50cm X 3mm solid glass fibre canes rubber sleeved for safety,
so no nasty splinters (the only way I will sell glass fibre).

Very whippy and lively -great for fast sensual caning,
but retains a hell of a sting if used hard.

1 commento:

  1. Andando per ordine: del primo fornitore mi piace quello con l'impugnatura arrotondata; del seondo la disciplinary o la Nursery; del terzo la fine cane (50x3) o la delrin (60x6)!


    un vero e proprio salto di qualità nell'ambito dell'educazione... visto sprattutto il bisogno che ne ha, continuamente, lo schiavo!

    Chissà se ha ascoltato il cd che gli ho lasciato, ordine che era scritto sul foglio sulla tastiera...

